Meet the Boss
Action Whitewater Adventures
As with most people in love, I wasn’t making too many rational decisions but I was persistent and I had more than my share of good luck. I finally ended up graduating from college and being able to to buy the Idaho operation of Western River Expeditions. Since that time I have been able to share the river with literally thousands of customers who, once they come on the river, also become friends. My good luck got even better when I met and Later married a beautiful girl who also loved the river and didn’t care if I made a lot of money or wore a suit and tie to work every day. Over the years we have managed to fit seven kids in between river trips and they are all true River Rates.( As a proud dad, I need to mention that they are all ‘A’ students.) As the picture of Jonathan on my lap shows, we start them on the river early.
Verle Duerden and family

Jennifer Duerden Mckay
Trip leader-Main Salmon-Mom of three great kids
Alison Duerden Johnson
Trip leader-Middle Fork and Main Salmon-mom of 2 great kids
Daniel Duerden
Hailey Duerden
Guide in training
Jake Mckay
Trip leader-Main Salmon(Physical Therapist)
Vance Johnson
Trip Leader-Main Salmon(Doctor)

(future guides)
Jackson, Layla, Cooper, Adele, Sophie, Grace, Joe, Flynn, Ellie, Addie, Lucy, Max, May,
Mathew Duerden (Prof. BYU)
Trip leader-Middle Fork and Main Salmon
Michael Duerden(Photographer, web design)
Trip leader- Main Salmon and Middle fork
Jonathan Duerden(Manager-sales)
Trip leader-Main Salmon
Chenae Duerden
Mother of 4 great kids
Natalie Duerden
(Guide) Mother of 3 great girls
Christie Duerden
Guide (Nurse)