A list of suggested items you will want on your 5 day Main Salmon adventure
It is extremely important to stay within the required weight limit of 30 pounds of gear per person. For safety, the boats must be kept light and maneuverable. Please refer to the list of recommended personal gear. Your waterproof bag will be accessible only in camp. However, your ‘ammo can’ and community day bag containing personal articles are accessible at any time during the day. When you receive your personal gear bag the night before the trips, please pack accordingly.
Please remember that nylon, fleece or other quick drying clothing is your friend…..cotton is not
Fishing gear: Spin casting and fly rods are both used on the Main Salmon. (barbless hooks)
Special note: You CANNON’T bring your suitcase with you on the river. Bring your personal items in a soft sided gym style bag as described above. Please try to bring only what you will need on the river. Vista Inn in Boise will let you store any extra luggage at the hotel. If this is not possible, please call our office to make arrangements.

Printable Packing List
- Fleece shirt and or jacket
- Long pants- light, fast drying for wear on the river. Avoid cotton*
- Poly pro or other quick drying synthetic underwear (top and bottom) oh ya, no cotton
- Wetsuit booties or neoprene/wool socks and sandals. Available at most sport or diving stores. Wetsuit booties are -great for May, June and Sept trips. July and August river shoes and sandals are great.
- Two piece rain suit!!! Ponchos don’t work on the river . The weather in Idaho in the summer is very nice, but we are in the mountains and it’s best to be prepared. Look for rain suits that have some type of closure on the wrist and ankles. These will come in handy especially on the paddle boats and high water trips.
- Shorts-no cotton
- Shirts-at least a couple long sleeved-you guessed it, no cotton
- Swimsuit-2 piece i.e sports bra and nylon shorts work best for women.
- Hat with tie string and or bandanna
- Gloves if hands are tender or subject to sunburn
- Biodegradable soap and shampoo
- Towel
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Flashlight
- Fanny pack
- Water bottle-Nalgene, Contigo, Hydro Flask, YETI
- Medication if needed (cool storage is available). Please notify AWA
- Extra pair of glasses or contacts
- 2 pair of sunglasses and safety strap
- Insect repellent(Irritating insects, especially mosquitoes are rare on the Main Salmon but a small can or repellent is always a good idea.) There are bees and yellow jackets.
- Chap stick with sun block
- Sun screen-waterproof
- Hand lotion
- Shaving kit (or not)
- Feminine hygiene supplies
- Small package of Kleenex
- Travel pillow
- Cash: For gratuities, souvenirs and snacks at some stops during and after trip.
- Heavy duty plastic garbage bags for wet and or dirty clothes. There is no smell like week old “river marinade”( Heavy garbage bags also work as an emergency rain cover( paired with the suggested fanny pack you’ll look very fashionable)
- SOFT GYM BAG OR DUFFLE BAG, this bag will go inside your waterproof bag(33″ high x 16″ round) provided by AWA (your freshly laundered sleeping bag will be inside the dry bag.)
*Cotton is not a good insulator and does not dry well. In camp it is fine but not on the river. It is important to be well prepared for this trip–please call if you have any questions.
**Experience shows that people tend to over pack. Many are comfortable with one change of clothes and others need a couple. Prepare for the possibility of cold weather, but don’t go “overboard”
IMPORTANT: We always hope for good weather, but be prepared for cold weather. This applies to ALL trips throughout the season. We are in the mountains, so a rainstorm or cold front can come through even in July or August. Please call our office at 1-800-453-1482 if you have any specific packing questions.
Camera gear:
- Water proof disposable
- Waterproof point and shoot
- Waterproof case hard or soft case
- Extra sd cards and batteries